Find My Book

Find My Book is your go-to local network of like-minded readers to find/share/swap/sell books

Art Direction

Product Design


About the Project

A book’s purpose is to be read right? So what happens after you finish reading one? Put it on a shelf? Or in a drawer? Maybe its time to start letting the book fulfil its purpose several times! and help the environment in the process. 

The Opportunity

It’s all about recycling books, the idea is for a book to travel from hand to hand (after corona times) and be read several times, saving trees and at the same time allowing people to connect with like-minded readers

The Challenge

With several markets apps out there, I wanted to create an interface that focuses on the needs of the readers offering options that feel familiar and at the same time is tailored to each user, creating a seamless user flow that looks clean and easy to use.

With the vision of making it easier to find and share books near you, I wanted to create a product with an interface design and overall user experience that seems super familiar and at the same time tailored to each user.


The research was quite interesting, in this case, I not only looked into solutions for marketplaces but in online video streaming apps, social apps, retail and even meditation apps. This deep research allowed me to create wireframes with components that will actually help the purpose of Find My Book; chats, gallery display, maps, and many more components were created based on this analysis of several products on different industries.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Following my process, I starting designing the core wireframes before moving to the stage of pixel-perfect designs. I design different prototypes to conduct usability testing and improve the product base on that. It was interesting to notice the difference of the usability when it came to the different age groups and the way the interacted with the product.

The Design System

The visual design is inspired by the colours of paper and greens of nature, creating a strong visual link between the physical tree and the recycling environment with the product. Keeping the design clean will allow the covers of the books to be the main focus of the IU allowing the user to enjoy visually without distractions, the look and feel captures the idea of a clean recycling principles

The Result

The product got the attention of an investor that will help to the development of the final product.


Lloyd’s Maritime Academy