Vernons Sports

Vernons has been an established, trusted name in gaming since 1925. Today, Vernons operates as one of the proud names within the broad-based NetplayTV plc group of gaming-related brands.

Art Direction + Brand Development

Product / Web Design

Motion grapher, Photographer

About the Project

The Vernons experience was out of date. There was no clear brand representation making it indigestible for both their customers. Betting on the platform was super confusing for users.

We started our process by creating their visual identity from scratch. Onboarding our new brand ambassador Jimmy Bullard to give the “Give it a tickle” a personality that many Britons will recognise. The process evolved into a complete brand identity and guideline definition then emerged into Vernon's product website and web application for both desktop and mobile platforms.

The Strategy

Align our understanding of the product through several Discovery Sessions


Fill and review strategic canvases; review and confirm them with stakeholders


Jump on developing a new visual identity from scratch along with marketing materials, and UX/UI guidelines


Deliver their visual identity, and continue to iterate on product enhancements


The competition in this industry is fierce, this is why we needed to nail the launch of the new brand, making sure we offer all the modern features the customers expect from cutting edge betting platforms.

The Interface

The customer interface in the gambling area is complex. We strived to keep it simple by going after the functionality, no extra bells and whistles. This way, it would help users to quickly learn and adapt to a newly introduced app, as well as prevent potential errors and mistakes while betting.

Keeping the classic colours of Vernons we gave a new style and look and feel to the brand, updating all the Brand Guidelines and Design System

Graphic Package

This project phase took us a while. However, the component-based approach allowed us to finish up product parts in the matter of just a couple of months. Our highly adaptable and easy to understand process allowed us to shorten the development time and quickly integrate the new design language for their upcoming website and betting app.

I created brand new marketing communications assets, landing pages, social banners, animations and promo videos including the execution of a photoshoot with our brand ambassador Jimmy Bullard.


Now we have a great brand guideline definition! We have a much more digestible brand and with Jimmy Bullard acting as our tone of voice the launch of the brand was a huge success that not only spoke to our loyal audience but attracted many young customers that got hooked with our new tone of voice!


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